The declining number of priests to serve the faithful, as well as shifting populations, have caused dioceses throughout the world, especially in Europe and North America, to consider restructuring. The recent trend in North America was to “cluster” or “twin” parishes. This model involved maintaining two or more distinct parishes, with their own respective church and other resources, buildings and schools, but they share a pastor. This has worked; however, pastors have become increasingly taxed with having to oversee the operation of two parishes and all the administrative trappings that come with it. As well, clustering or twinning often postponed addressing the deeper question of declining parish membership and whether or not parishes are financially viable and, as mundane and un-spiritual it may sound, we must be good stewards of the Church’s resources. It is difficult to determine at what point a parish in decline should end its mission and join with another. Contact St. Theresa’s Church to get involved.
Parish Cluster