Schedule Change- January 21, 2018 2018-01-17 in Adult, Altar Rosary Society, Altar Servers, Announcement, Bulletins, Caring Hearts, Choir, Collection Counters, Eucharistic Ministers, Faith Formation, Fifth and Sixth Grade, Finance Committee, Kindergarten and First Grade, Lectors, Little Way Prayer Group, Liturgy Committee, Mass, News Blog, Ninth Grade, Parish Manager, Parish Pastoral Council, Pre-Kindergarten, Priests, Second Grade, Seventh and Eighth Grade, Student Lectors, Tenth and Eleventh Grade, Third and Fourth Grade, Trustees, Ushers Due to a Funeral at noon, the Mass for January 21 has been moved to 10:40am. Faith formation classes will meet at the regular schedule 9:30am and will be dismissed at 10:25am.