Palm Sunday Mass- March 25, 2018
The Liturgy Committee has been hard at work each week preparing the Altar for Mass. This week the Altar was transformed for Palm Sunday Mass and the coming Holy Week. Please join us at Mass this week.
The Liturgy Committee has been hard at work each week preparing the Altar for Mass. This week the Altar was transformed for Palm Sunday Mass and the coming Holy Week. Please join us at Mass this week.
The scrutinies are intended for the catechumens (i.e., those who are to receive Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation). Ten students receiving the sacrament of confirmation (May 17, 2018) and four students preparing for the sacrament (2019) participated in 3 scrutinies. The scrutinies are celebrated in order to deliver the elect from[…]
Confirmation students are preparing and selling lasagna dinners Sunday, February 4th. Pickup your dinner between 12pm and 1pm. Dinners include a health slice of lasagna, salad and roll. The price remains at $5.00 again this year. Additional donations are also welcomed. Each year students have many opportunities to attend retreats[…]
Due to a Funeral at noon, the Mass for January 21 has been moved to 10:40am. Faith formation classes will meet at the regular schedule 9:30am and will be dismissed at 10:25am.
Mass began with a procession of the Prek to 6th grade students. After the advent candles were lite, students hung 4 more ornaments in the Jesse Tree. Ornaments included a candle, word of God, a crown and an angel. Several students read the Liturgy of the Word. Offertory included a[…]
St. Theresa Mass Schedule: Due to the lack of priest coverage there will be no Chrsitmas Eve Mass at St. Theresa. Regular Mass: 12/24/2017 11:00am Christmas Eve Mass: St. Malachys, Sherburne 4:00pm Christmas Day Mass: St. Theresa 10:00am; St. Malachys 11:00am Other Masses in Chenango County include: Christmas Eve: St.[…]
This year we are asking students & parents to make, plate and deliver a Holiday cookie plate for Parish and community members [typically those that are not able to get out, have no local family members or those that no longer bake themselves]. You can help in the following[…]
First year confirmation students solidified their commitment by reciting and accepting the Contract of Agreement. Both first year and second year confirmation classes were present for a blessing from Fr. Gerard Lupa. The new candidates wrote their names in the Book of the Elect and received their own bible. The[…]
Schedule for Confirmation Class and Youth Group Saturday, Oct. 15—Parent Youth Ministry Training, 9am-1pm Sunday, Oct. 16—CROP WALK 9:30-10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26—Youth Group Kick Off (Middle and High School) 6:30—8:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 30—no class Sunday, Nov. 6—Confirmation Class Wednesday, Nov. 9—Youth Group 6:30-8:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19—Possible Pilgrimage.[…]